The Participation & Representation For All Impact Collective focuses on voter justice, a long-term vision to support communities that have been marginalized, expand the electorate, and remove barriers to participation so that everyone has a voice in our democracy. The pillars that uphold Participation & Representation’s work include:
Voter Expansion. Suppressing and preventing voting access in marginalized communities has been an issue since our country’s founding. We are honing in on progressive policies that will expand voting rights across the country, like automatic and same-day voter registration, voting rights restoration, and election security.
Fair Representation. We seek to support election reform efforts that ensure our government is truly reflective of our diverse country, which includes addressing gerrymandering, partisan gridlock, no-choice elections, and distortions in fair representation.
Fighting Disinformation/Media Accountability. Disinformation strategies have been used to polarize and disenfranchise marginalized groups, especially Black voters. We aim to combat disinformation and hold the media accountable.