Mama Cash knows that lasting change comes from the collective activism of people who are articulating their own interests and needs, and demanding their rights, based on their own lived experience. The Resilience Fund provides support to feminist groups, initiatives, collectives, and organisations, as well as to women’s funds, that are founded, led, and run by people who belong to the communities whose rights they seek to advance.
The Resilience Fund provides flexible, core support grants, giving groups the freedom to use their funding according to their own visions, strategies, and analyses of the contexts they face. First-time annual grants are made with the intention of renewing for multiple years, and Mama Cash typically supports partners for up to ten years. Resilience Fund grants vary in size, but the range is typically between €5,000 to €50,000 per year, with an average grant size of about €35,000. (See here for what we fund and for information about our grantmaking window.)